Speech Recognition System using MATLAB: Design, Implementation, and Samples Codes Reviews

Speech Recognition System using MATLAB: Design, Implementation, and Samples Codes

Speech Recognition System using MATLAB: Design, Implementation, and Samples Codes

Research in automatic speech recognition has been done for almost four decades. This project aims to develop automated English digits speech recognition system using Matlab. The system is able to recognize the spoken utterances by translating the speech waveform into a set of feature vectors using Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCC) technique, which then estimates the observation likelihood by using the Forward algorithm. The Hidden Markov Model (HMM) parameters are estimated by applying

List Price: $ 64.00


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Talk To Text Images

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Found this in the archive…

Check out my photoblog on Zenfolio, or look me up on Google+

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Dragon Age: Dawn of the Seeker (Blu-ray/DVD Combo)

Dragon Age: Dawn of the Seeker (Blu-ray/DVD Combo)

Dragon Age: Dawn of the Seeker (Blu-ray/DVD Combo)

  • Brand Name: FUNIMATION PRODUCTIONS LTD Mfg#: 00006281
  • Shipping Weight: 0.30 lbs
  • Manufacturer:
  • Genre: Anime
  • All music products are properly licensed and guaranteed authentic.

In a land where battles are fought with swords and magic, a young heroine rises to glory as Templars, mages, and dragons clash. Cassandra, a brash and beautiful warrior, must stop a conspiracy that threatens the realm’s most powerful religious order. Accused of treasonous crimes and hunted by friend and foe, Cassandra must clear her name and overcome her rage in order to save the day and take her place in legend.The highly anticipated feature Dragon Age: Dawn of the Seeker (2012) is based on the

List Price: $ 10.97


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The Dragon’s Secret

The Dragon’s Secret

The Dragon's Secret

  • Version: Unabridged
  • Reader: Solo Female/English
  • Format: MP3 Audio CD
  • Tracks / Chapters: 19 Chapters
  • Total running time: 03:21:18

The Dragon’s Secret, by Augusta Huiell Seaman, is a classic tale of adventure and mystery. Her stories often entail mysteries surrounding desolate and abandoned locations, including houses, mines, lighthouses, and hotels. Seaman was lauded for creating adventurous historical novels that made the past come alive for both the novel’s heroines and readers. In The Dragon’s Secret, young Leslie Crane is sent to New Jersey to care for her sickly Aunt Marcia, whose doctor sent her to the seaside to get

List Price: $ 9.95


Chinese Water Dragons Care, Habitat, Cages, Enclosure, Diet, Tanks, Facts, Set-Up, Food, Pictures, Shedding, Life Span, Breeding, Feeding, Cost All in

Chinese Water Dragons Care, Habitat, Cages, Enclosure, Diet, Tanks, Facts, Set-Up, Food, Pictures, Shedding, Life Span, Breeding, Feeding, Cost All in

Everything you’ve ever wanted to know about Chinese Water Dragons. This book was specifically designed for anyone who has ever wanted to own a Chinese Water Dragon. Guaranteed to satisfy your curiosity and answer your questions, this book is a must-have for dedicated pet owners. In this book you will find information regarding Chinese Water Dragon care, habitat, diet, life span, breeding, costs and more. With all of this information packed into one book, this is the definitive guide for Chinese

List Price: $ 12.99


Image from page 106 of “New games and amusements for young and old alike” (1905)

Check out these Dragon Assistant Images:

Image from page 106 of “New games and amusements for young and old alike” (1905)
Dragon Assistant
Image by Internet Archive Book Images
Identifier: newgamesamusemen00nuge
Title: New games and amusements for young and old alike
Year: 1905 (1900s)
Authors: Nugent, Meredith Smedley, Victor J
Subjects: Amusements
Publisher: New York, Doubleday, Page & Company
Contributing Library: The Library of Congress
Digitizing Sponsor: The Library of Congress

View Book Page: Book Viewer
About This Book: Catalog Entry
View All Images: All Images From Book

Click here to view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book.

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AN EVER-MOVING, EVER-LENGTHENING. EVER-VARYIKG,TWISTING, WRITHING SHAPE. THE SOAP-BUBBLERS RECEPTION Allan Poe. When Phil and Harry, togetherwith their assistants, gave themselves up fullyto this exhibition of monsters, the stage lookedas though peopled by one of the hobgoblinraces. Sometimes great bubbles, five feet incircumference, would snap off the end of thesesoap-bubble dragons, and sometimes a numberof very small ones. In length they varied fromtwo to eight feet—that is, measurement in astraight line. Could all the windings and twist-ings have been taken into consideration, theywould have been found far longer. Phil now turned his attention to the hoopsand rings again, and drew forth storms ofapplause by some wonderful film tricks.One in particular, the giant letter S, was espec-ially brilliant. It looked like a serpentine tongueof flame, and the manner in which Phil whirledthe flashing light above his head fairly thrilledthe audience. Placing the ring aside, he picked up a c

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Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability – coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.

Dragon Assistant
Image by 1st BCT, 1st CD
Staff Sgt. Jay Hocker, the operations noncommissioned officer for 1st Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division, left, and Capt. Ron Youngblood, right, the assistant fire support officer for 1st BCT, 1st CD put up a map in preparation for the combined arms live fire exercise at Grafenwoehr Army Base, Germany, June 26 (U.S. Army photo by Capt. John Farmer, 1st BCT, 1st CD Public Affairs).

Nice Speech To Text Photos

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2014 – Mexico – Cabo San Lucas – San Jose del Cabo
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Image by Ted’s photos – For Me & You
Our day tour from Cabo San Lucas has arrived in San Jose del Cabo, about 50 kilometres north. San Jose del Cabo is the county seat of Los Cabos and therefore the city bustles with the daily business of local government when it is not Holy week and a governor speech occurring. The town is loaded with old time Mexico"charm".

CALIFORNIA — the speech of murals : twentieth street, west mission, san francisco (2014)
Speech to Text
Image by torbakhopper

Room on the Broom: Games

Room on the Broom: Games

Room on the Broom: Games

  • Fly from star-to-star creating amazing pictures in the sky. What picture will you make?
  • Cat wants you to catch things which are flying past in the wind. Watch out for the squirrel!
  • Help the Dog, Bird and Frog find things the friendly Witch has dropped…
  • Create your own beautiful star pictures – move the stars, change their colors and fly the Witch between them!
  • Help the Dragon eat his favorite food – but make sure he doesn’t eat anything else…
  • Steer the ‘magnificent broom’ through the night sky, catching magical letters in this creative literacy game.

List Price: $ 2.99


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Speech Recognition
Image by New York Medical College
2014 Speech-Language Pathology Program Recognition Ceremony

Human Rights
Speech Recognition
Image by h de c
I took this series of photos on the 10th of December 2008, which marked the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights*.

Amnesty International’s annual Report on the State of the World’s Human Rights**.



Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world,

Whereas disregard and contempt for human rights have resulted in barbarous acts which have outraged the conscience of mankind, and the advent of a world in which human beings shall enjoy freedom of speech and belief and freedom from fear and want has been proclaimed as the highest aspiration of the common people,

Whereas it is essential, if man is not to be compelled to have recourse, as a last resort, to rebellion against tyranny and oppression, that human rights should be protected by the rule of law,

Whereas it is essential to promote the development of friendly relations between nations,

Whereas the peoples of the United Nations have in the Charter reaffirmed their faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person and in the equal rights of men and women and have determined to promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom,

Whereas Member States have pledged themselves to achieve, in cooperation with the United Nations, the promotion of universal respect for and observance of human rights and fundamental freedoms,

Whereas a common understanding of these rights and freedoms is of the greatest importance for the full realization of this pledge,

Now, therefore,

The General Assembly,

Proclaims this Universal Declaration of Human Rights as a common standard of achievement for all peoples and all nations, to the end that every individual and every organ of society, keeping this Declaration constantly in mind, shall strive by teaching and education to promote respect for these rights and freedoms and by progressive measures, national and international, to secure their universal and effective recognition and observance, both among the peoples of Member States themselves and among the peoples of territories under their jurisdiction.

Article 1.
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.

Article 2.
Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty.

Article 3.
Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.

Article 4.
No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms.

Article 5.
No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.

Article 6.
Everyone has the right to recognition everywhere as a person before the law.

Article 7.
All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law. All are entitled to equal protection against any discrimination in violation of this Declaration and against any incitement to such discrimination.

Article 8.
Everyone has the right to an effective remedy by the competent national tribunals for acts violating the fundamental rights granted him by the constitution or by law.

Article 9.
No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile.

Article 10.
Everyone is entitled in full equality to a fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal, in the determination of his rights and obligations and of any criminal charge against him.

Article 11.
(1) Everyone charged with a penal offence has the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law in a public trial at which he has had all the guarantees necessary for his defence.

(2) No one shall be held guilty of any penal offence on account of any act or omission which did not constitute a penal offence, under national or international law, at the time when it was committed. Nor shall a heavier penalty be imposed than the one that was applicable at the time the penal offence was committed.

Article 12.
No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honour and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks.

Article 13.
(1) Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each state.

(2) Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country.

Article 14.
(1) Everyone has the right to seek and to enjoy in other countries asylum from persecution.

(2) This right may not be invoked in the case of prosecutions genuinely arising from non-political crimes or from acts contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations.

Article 15.
(1) Everyone has the right to a nationality.

(2) No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his nationality nor denied the right to change his nationality.

Article 16.
(1) Men and women of full age, without any limitation due to race, nationality or religion, have the right to marry and to found a family. They are entitled to equal rights as to marriage, during marriage and at its dissolution.

(2) Marriage shall be entered into only with the free and full consent of the intending spouses.

(3) The family is the natural and fundamental group unit of society and is entitled to protection by society and the State.

Article 17.
(1) Everyone has the right to own property alone as well as in association with others.

(2) No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his property.

Article 18.
Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.

Article 19.
Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.

Article 20.
(1) Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association.

(2) No one may be compelled to belong to an association.

Article 21.
(1) Everyone has the right to take part in the government of his country, directly or through freely chosen representatives.

(2) Everyone has the right of equal access to public service in his country.

(3) The will of the people shall be the basis of the authority of government; this will shall be expressed in periodic and genuine elections which shall be by universal and equal suffrage and shall be held by secret vote or by equivalent free voting procedures.

Article 22.
Everyone, as a member of society, has the right to social security and is entitled to realization, through national effort and international co-operation and in accordance with the organization and resources of each State, of the economic, social and cultural rights indispensable for his dignity and the free development of his personality.

Article 23.
(1) Everyone has the right to work, to free choice of employment, to just and favourable conditions of work and to protection against unemployment.

(2) Everyone, without any discrimination, has the right to equal pay for equal work.

(3) Everyone who works has the right to just and favourable remuneration ensuring for himself and his family an existence worthy of human dignity, and supplemented, if necessary, by other means of social protection.

(4) Everyone has the right to form and to join trade unions for the protection of his interests.

Article 24.
Everyone has the right to rest and leisure, including reasonable limitation of working hours and periodic holidays with pay.

Article 25.
(1) Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control.

(2) Motherhood and childhood are entitled to special care and assistance. All children, whether born in or out of wedlock, shall enjoy the same social protection.

Article 26.
(1) Everyone has the right to education. Education shall be free, at least in the elementary and fundamental stages. Elementary education shall be compulsory. Technical and professional education shall be made generally available and higher education shall be equally accessible to all on the basis of merit.

(2) Education shall be directed to the full development of the human personality and to the strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. It shall promote understanding, tolerance and friendship among all nations, racial or religious groups, and shall further the activities of the United Nations for the maintenance of peace.

(3) Parents have a prior right to choose the kind of education that shall be given to their children.

Article 27.
(1) Everyone has the right freely to participate in the cultural life of the community, to enjoy the arts and to share in scientific advancement and its benefits.

(2) Everyone has the right to the protection of the moral and material interests resulting from any scientific, literary or artistic production of which he is the author.

Article 28.
Everyone is entitled to a social and international order in which the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration can be fully realized.

Article 29.
(1) Everyone has duties to the community in which alone the free and full development of his personality is possible.

(2) In the exercise of his rights and freedoms, everyone shall be subject only to such limitations as are determined by law solely for the purpose of securing due recognition and respect for the rights and freedoms of others and of meeting the just requirements of morality, public order and the general welfare in a democratic society.

(3) These rights and freedoms may in no case be exercised contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations.

Article 30.
Nothing in this Declaration may be interpreted as implying for any State, group or person any right to engage in any activity or to perform any act aimed at the destruction of any of the rights and freedoms set forth herein.

*Adopted and proclaimed by United Nations General Assembly resolution 217 A (III) of 10 December 1948.

Link to full translation of the UDHR in 335 languages: www.unhchr.ch/udhr/navigate/alpha.htm#E

Link to a PDF version of the UDHR in English:

**Link to Amnesty International’s page on 6Oth anniversary of the UDHR:

**Link to consult & download the Amnesty International Report 2008 – The State of the World’s Human Rights:

Nice How To Train A Dragon Photos

How to Train a Dragon Images I found:

USO Screening – How to Train Your Dragon 2
How to Train a Dragon
Image by The USO
Military personnel and their families pack into the base theater for a special advance USO screening of the movie "How to Train Your Dragon 2,” at Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst, New Jersey, June 4, 2014. The USO strives to make every moment count for troops and their families around the world year round like the advance USO screening of “How to Train Your Dragon 2.” The “Every Moment Counts” campaign invites Americans everywhere to join the USO in honoring an creating moments that matter for our nation’s troops and their USO photo by Cherie Cullen.

USO Screening – How to Train Your Dragon 2
How to Train a Dragon
Image by The USO
Military personnel and their families pack watch a special advance USO screening of the movie "How to Train Your Dragon 2,” at Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst, New Jersey, June 4, 2014. The USO strives to make every moment count for troops and their families around the world year round like the advance USO screening of “How to Train Your Dragon 2.” The “Every Moment Counts” campaign invites Americans everywhere to join the USO in honoring an creating moments that matter for our nation’s troops and their USO photo by Cherie Cullen.

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3d DIY PVC Dragons Wall Sticker Decal Halloween Home Window Decoration Cool 7pcs (Black) Reviews

3d DIY PVC Dragons Wall Sticker Decal Halloween Home Window Decoration Cool 7pcs (Black)

3d DIY PVC Dragons Wall Sticker Decal Halloween Home Window Decoration Cool 7pcs (Black)

  • condition:100% Brand New baby nursery wall decor
  • quantity:1 piece vinyl words & wall quotes
  • feature: very easy to use,simply peel&stick to most hard surfaces (wall,bathroom,door,window……)
  • colour:default color (as gallery show),
  • Note: When you ready to transfer the wall stickers, pls prepare knife, scissor and card. so you can put the sticker to the wall successfully.

Non-toxic,environmental protection Brand new, Fashion Deshion and High Quality. Material: PVC Note: If you have anything dissatisfaction with the item after you get it, please no hesitate to contact me instead of action against us. We promise to solve the problem for you and won’t let any of you down or upset. Thanks in advance for your cooperation and understanding. Package: 1 x Removable Wall Sticker

List Price: $ 8.99


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A Grim Almanac of the Workhouse

l Talk to Text Images:

A Grim Almanac of the Workhouse
Talk to Text
Image by brizzle born and bred
Workhouses were often painted as places of shame, starvation and cruelty. People would rather die, it was often claimed, than enter such institutions.

But were things really that terrible? Sadly, the answer has to be in the affirmative.

A new book, entitled A Grim Almanac of the Workhouse, by Peter Higginbotham, reveals some of the grisly, gruesome, and occasionally downright bizarre events that took place behind workhouse doors.

As Peter explains in detail in his book, the dread of the workhouse even drove some people to take their own lives.

In 1890, Bristol workhouse inmate Elizabeth Clevely hanged herself using a towel and some bandages.

She had attempted to take her life twice before but, despite being certified as insane, Bristol magistrates had refused to consign her to an asylum.

Peter also reports that, in 1871, an inmate of the Plymouth workhouse committed suicide by throwing himself from a high window.

Two years later, a pauper hanged himself with a rope destined for oakum-picking – the laborious workhouse task of teasing apart old ropes into their raw fibres.

An inquest into the death of 36-year-old lace worker, Fanny Jane Hayball, who had escaped from Chard workhouse, revealed that she had drowned herself in the town’s reservoir.

But it wasn’t only the workhouse inmates for whom the stresses and strains became too much.

In 1891, 66-year-old Rev Michael O’Meara, the long-time chaplain of Bristol’s Barton Regis workhouse, committed suicide.

The chaplain, who had been in bad health for some time, was found by his wife lying on his bedroom floor, having inflicted a fearful gash to his throat with a razor.

He had written a note stating that he could endure life no longer.

In 1838, William Caswell, who was employed as a surgeon at Bridgwater workhouse, took his own life following a dispute over payment for his services.

After being forced to settle for less than half his original fee, Mr Caswell became severely depressed.

Later, he made his way to a spot beneath the town’s sea walls and nearly beheaded himself with a razor.

Workhouse staff were often at risk of being attacked by those under their care. For example, in 1860, the matron of the Clifton workhouse, Mrs Phoebe Hunt, died after being struck on the head in a struggle with Ann Richards.

Inmate Ann had been diagnosed as suffering from "hysterical mania".

Mrs Hunt was the widow of a former Master of the workhouse who, coincidentally, had died on the same day nine years earlier.

There were other dangers too. In 1902, a disastrous fire which broke out at Devon’s South Molton workhouse resulted in deaths and serious injuries.

Oil escaping from a lamp which had been knocked over led to a blaze which rapidly took hold.

Many of the rooms were occupied by old people, some of whom had not been out of bed for several years.

One woman, an inmate for only a few weeks, could not be found and her charred remains were only discovered later.

In 1907, an early morning fire at a crowded Plymouth workhouse caused serious damage.

All of the inmates, many of whom were elderly, were safely evacuated although some, dressed only in their night attire, suffered severely from exposure.

Over the years, a number of workhouse scandals made headlines in the newspapers.

One of the most shocking incidents concerned Miss Ann Mance, who, for almost 30 years, had been matron of the Newton Abbot workhouse.

An inquiry, held in 1894, heard that the inmates were rarely, or never, bathed.

At night, elderly inmates were stripped naked and placed into a "jumper" – a kind of sack used as a straitjacket – and tied to their bedsteads.

One elderly inmate, Sarah Bovey, who was paralysed, had been placed naked in a "jumper" every night for a week.

One morning, after Sarah had made a mess, the woman in charge of the ward took a handful of faeces and put it in her mouth. Sarah Bovey died that very same night.

Despite complaints by nursing staff, the matron said that the use of "jumpers" saved on washing.

A recently-appointed nurse at the workhouse, Alice Hinton, testified that she had found one inmate apparently dying.

The woman, she said, was very dirty and covered with vermin. In addition, her hair had been cut off and her toenails were like claws, being two and a half inches long.

The matron, who emphatically denied all the charges, was dismissed from her post following the inquiry.

A few weeks later, she died from a heart condition.

Life in the workhouse, however, was not all doom and gloom.

Despite the enforced separation of males and females, it was even a place where romance could blossom.

In 1908, 60-year-old John Salisbury discharged himself from the Tiverton workhouse to marry fellow inmate Eliza Roberts, who was ten years his junior.

Nobody, including the other inmates, had known of their secret courtship.

In 1893, a farm labourer called at the Yeovil workhouse. With much shyness, he told the Master that he was in work, with a cottage and garden, but that his wife had died.

His complaint was that he had no children, and no-one to keep house for him.

The Master informed him that there were several inmates who would be only too pleased to become his housekeeper.

He then introduced him to a widow, the mother of a 10-year-old boy and a baby, who was domesticated and comely in appearance.

After leaving the two together to discuss terms, he returned shortly to find that progress had been made.

The man, George, now declared that Lucy was everything his heart could wish for, an affection which she reciprocated.

After bidding her an affectionate goodbye, George promised to fetch Lucy and her family the following Monday.

True to his promise, he arrived at the workhouse with his employer’s horse and farm wagon and drove triumphantly away with his intended wife and her children.

The happy couple’s wedding took place a fortnight later.

A Grim Almanac of the Workhouse by Peter Higginbotham is published by The History Press at £12.99

Secrets From The Workhouse ITV

Celebrities go on an emotionally charged personal journey to investigate their family’s experience of life in the workhouse.

In this moving and insightful two part series, five well known personalities, actor Brian Cox, Felicity Kendal, Fern Britton, Barbara Taylor Bradford and Kiera Chaplin, will go on an emotionally charged personal journey to investigate their family’s experience of life in the workhouse. They will delve into the dark heart of Victorian poverty to unearth stories of heartache and sadness as well as tales of extraordinary triumph that help to unravel the secrets of this notorious institution.

In Victorian society the workhouse represented the underbelly of society, where anyone who was poor, homeless, unemployed or ill was sent to live.

With no benefits system in place, destitute people were either left to starve on the streets or forced to submit themselves to the harsh conditions of the workhouse where they worked ten hours a day doing menial tasks such as breaking rocks up or picking apart ropes.

Now, in this brand-new two part series, presenter Fern Britton, actress Kiera Chaplin, actor Brian Cox, actress Felicity Kendal and author Barbara Taylor Bradford go back to the sites of the workhouses where their ancestors lived to find out what happened to them.

In the first episode, Fern Britton is shocked to discover one of her ancestors was dissected for medical research because his family couldn’t afford a funeral for him.

Brian Cox learns that his great grandfather was branded a malingerer by the workhouse when they refused to believe he was really ill.

Barbara Taylor Bradford discovers her grandmother was forced into the workhouse to give birth to two illegitimate children.

And Kiera Chaplin discovers her grandfather, Charlie, was sent to a school for poor children when his mother was taken away from him and put in a mental asylum.

The first programme starts in Lambeth with Kiera visiting the place where Charlie Chaplin was born. Secrets From The Workhouse explains that Charlie’s mother was a singer and his father was an alcoholic who left the family. When work for Charlie’s mother dried up, she was forced to take Charlie and his half-brother to the Lambeth Workhouse.

Kiera meets historian, Alannah Tomkins, at the site of the Lambeth Workhouse, which is now a museum, and she gives Kiera details about what life in the workhouse would have been like. She reveals that there would have been 1000 people living in the workhouse at the time and that Charlie and his brother would have been separated from their mum and put in different areas of the building as soon as they arrived.

Kiera visits what is now a screening room at the museum, but would have been the room where, once a week, Charlie and his brother were allowed to see their mother. Shortly after arriving in the workhouse, Charlie and his brother were sent away to a pauper’s school. Alannah reveals to Kiera that Charlie’s mother, Hannah, was admitted to the infirmary suffering bruises to her body. It was thought that she had been bullied by the other residents.

Then, after just seven weeks in the workhouse, Hannah was sent to a mental asylum.

Kiera says: “This place sounds like hell. The poor thing.”

Secrets From The Workhouse sees Kiera as she visits the school that Charlie would have been sent to, which is now a community sports centre. Professor David Green meets Kiera and takes her to the gym, which doubled as a punishment room when it was a pauper school. Prof Green tells Kiera that Charlie was taken to be punished after being accused of setting fire to a toilet block.

He hadn’t committed the offence, but, when asked in front of everyone, he said he had done it. Prof Green explains that extracts from Charlie’s autobiography reveal that, despite being caned, Charlie felt triumphant because he managed not to cry.

The programme explains that when he was 24, Charlie moved to Hollywood and was soon earning the equivalent of m a year, making him one of the highest paid people in the world at the time. He then came back to England to get his mother out of the asylum and she spent the last seven years of her life living in luxury in California.

Actor Brian Cox heads to Glasgow to find out more about the life of his great grandfather Patrick McCann who survived on the breadline before becoming so poor that he had to enter the workhouse.

Brian is shocked when he visits the building where Patrick and his wife and eight children lived together in one room. And he is devastated to learn from historian Dr Anne Tindley that documents show that Patrick’s mother-in-law was forced to live on the stairs in the building, as there was no room for her anywhere else.

Brian says: “Family structure seems to have been destroyed. It seems to have been eradicated…all around you there’s despair. People are constantly applying for Poor Relief and constantly trying to keep ahead of the game. I have talked about my fear of poverty, and now I know where it lies. It’s a reality, it’s right in the system, it’s there because of what they went through. It’s really bad. It’s really bad.”

Brian discovers that Patrick was forced to submit to the workhouse for the free healthcare they provided every time he was too sick to work. But whenever he was thought to be better, he was thrown back out to work.

Brian says: ‘It’s an endless assault on human dignity. We’ve got to rub their faces in it.”

Finally, after years in and out of the workhouse, at the age of 54, Patrick was declared insane and sent to an asylum. There are emotional scenes as Brian is stunned to discover that his great-grandfather was also branded a ‘malingerer’ as the authorities didn’t believe his bronchitis was genuine.

Presenter Fern Britton investigates what happened to her ancestors when her great, great, great grandfather, Friend Carter ended up in a workhouse in Kent. Secrets From The Workhouse reveals to Fern that Friend managed to scrape a living working on the land in Kent, but was forced to go to the workhouse temporarily with his youngest son, Jesse, when Jesse fell ill. Records show that Jessie was then transferred to a London teaching hospital and Fern goes there to meet with Dr Elizabeth Hurren, a medical historian.

Dr Hurren takes Fern to a galleried operating theatre where she reveals to the presenter that Jessie was alive when he arrived at the hospital but then died and was given a post-mortem in the very room where they are stood.

Dr Hurren also reveals that it is likely that Jesse’s body was given up for a full dissection for the medical students because his family couldn’t afford to bury him.

Fern says: “I always think of the Victorians as philanthropic, very religious, God-fearing, charitable, kind, and yet, if you were living on the poverty line, you were considered, scum. You were a criminal because you’d never made it up to the next rung of the ladder and, because of that, you were penalised. So much so that you gave your body when you died. That was it.”

After learning about Jesse, Fern discovers Friend subsequently managed to stay out of the workhouse until he was 91 but eventually had to move into one shortly before his death. Fern tells Secrets From The Workhouse that she is relieved to discover that her great, great, great grandfather had saved for his own funeral so was able to be buried and didn’t have to be given up for dissection.

Author Barbara Taylor Bradford visits the site of the Ripon workhouse in North Yorkshire in a bid to find out more about her mother’s time there. Barbara’s mother and grandmother went to live in the workhouse when Barbara’s mother, Freda was just six years old. Barbara tells the programme that her mother never mentioned the workhouse to Barbara, and Barbara only found out about it when her biographer was researching her biography.

She says: “I really cried one day as I couldn’t imagine my mother, who was a very sweet and rather reserved woman, as a little girl put in the workhouse. And then it leads to that awful question, why?”

The programme shows Barbara meeting with her biographer, Piers Dudgeon, outside the house where her mother was born. Barbara is shocked when Piers shows her her mother’s birth certificate and she has no father listed. Piers also reveals that Barbara’s grandmother gave birth to two more illegitimate children, both of whom were born in the workhouse.

Barbara goes to the workhouse and meets a woman who used to live there and there are emotional scenes as she discovers what life was like. The residents were fed a diet of gruel, bread and, sometimes, meat and all their personal things were taken off them.

Barbara now understands how the workhouse was the making of her of her own destiny. How the shame and stigma of the institution made her mother determined to give Barbara a different life, she wanted her to be a ‘lady’, which is exactly what Barbara became. In the next episode, Barbara will discover how her family eventually escaped the workhouse once, only to return, be split up, and then forced to migrate to the other side of the world.

Magic Transforming Exclusive Supersonic lux-Cardboard Cave-Box
Talk to Text
Image by trickytanya
If you are a cat carer (well, a slave, to be more accurate, but a happy happy slave), I’m sure you know exactly what I’m talking about.


Dragonheart: Anne McCaffrey’s Dragonriders of Pern Reviews

Dragonheart: Anne McCaffrey’s Dragonriders of Pern

Dragonheart: Anne McCaffrey's Dragonriders of Pern

Todd McCaffrey’s first solo novel in the classic Dragonriders of Pern series, Dragonsblood, was hailed by critics and embraced by the countless devoted readers of the landmark science fiction saga created by his mother, Anne McCaffrey. Now the chronicles of Pern take another captivating turn as the embattled planet, the brave pioneers who call it home, and the magnificent flame-breathing creatures who fly high to protect it confront a dire new challenge.
The grim specter of sickness looms


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l Asian Dragon Images:

Asian Dragon
Image by vpickering
At Fiesta Asia 2011, on Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington D.C.

Asian Dragon
Image by mkjepolaski
Asian dragon or alien or something on Journey to the Center of the Earth. We nicknamed him "Imagunna Icha"

Nice Dragon Facts Photos

Dragon Facts Images I found:

Image from page 146 of “Lives and legends of the great hermits and fathers of the church, with other contemporary saints” (1902)
Dragon Facts
Image by Internet Archive Book Images
Identifier: cu31924020507939
Title: Lives and legends of the great hermits and fathers of the church, with other contemporary saints
Year: 1902 (1900s)
Authors: D’Anvers, N., d. 1933
Subjects: Saints Saints Christian art and symbolism Painting
Publisher: London : G. Bell & sons
Contributing Library: Cornell University Library
Digitizing Sponsor: MSN

View Book Page: Book Viewer
About This Book: Catalog Entry
View All Images: All Images From Book

Click here to view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book.

Text Appearing Before Image:
legend of St. Catherine ashis leading motive in the beautiful window in ChristchurchCathedral, Oxford, in memory of Edith Liddell, who died fivedays after her betrothal. The martyred maiden wearing hercrown occupies the central light, having on one side an angel,wit;h a flaming wheel at her feet, typical of suffering patientlyborne, and on the other, an angel typical of Divine deliverancefrom pain, crushing the wheel and extinguishing the flames;In the lower lights are represented the Dispute with thePhilosophers, the Dream in which the Blessed Virgin leadsthe maiden into the presence of Christ, and the Burial of themartyr by angels. In the choir of the same church is aquaint figure of very early date of St. Catherine, holding theremains of a sword in one hand, and a piece of a wheel in theother; and in the Lady Chapel of Lichfield Cathedral is afine modern statue of the martyr treading on a dragon, andholding her sword and wheel. In England the f^te-day of St. Catherine, November 25,

Text Appearing After Image:
ST. EUPHEMIA 97 was long kept as a public holiday, and passages from her Acts used to be read in all Roman Catholic churches. Thereare, perhaps, more churches and chapels dedicated to her in theBritish Isles than to any other Saint, and her name has beengiven to many features of natural scenery, especially in theSouth of England. Near to Ventnor, in the Isle of Wight,alone are St. Catherines Point, St. Catherines Beacon, andSt. Catherines Downs; and a mile from Christchurch, Hants,is St. Catherines Hill. The Catherine Wheel was long afavourite sign with inn-keepers, although after the Reforma-tion, an attempt was made by Protestants to change it intothe Cat and Wheel. In fact, the romantic story of the moreor less apocryphal maiden has taken a remarkably stronghold on the popular imagination, and even in some EngHshchurches dedicated to St. Catherine, a banner bearing hereffigy leaning on her wheel is carried round in procession onthe great feast-days, although her example was scarcel

Note About Images
Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability – coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.

The CRS8 Falcon9 returns to Cape Canaveral
Dragon Facts
Image by Michael Seeley
As of 11pm on Monday night (April 11), no one knew for sure when the #SpaceX drone ship “Of Course I Still Love You” carrying the #CRS8 #Falcon9 would arrive in port. Forums, Twitter, the SpaceX reddit page and Facebook were all full of theories that predicted arrivals as early as midnight and as late as mid-day Tuesday (April 12).

I arrived at Jetty Park at around 11:45pm and found a small group of people already assembled, including ever-talented (and always entertaining) colleagues Julian Leek, Jeff Seibert and Lane Hermann. It was a lovely night, so I set up a camera looking east down the channel and started shooting star trails. Someone had a marine band radio and at around 12:15am we heard the news we were all eagerly awaiting: the captain of the tugboat Elsbeth III told the port pilot boat that they expected to be at “the dogleg” at around 1:30am, after some personnel loading and unloading – this detail started the rumor that Elon Musk himself was being ferried out to the drone ship to inspect the rocket. (As best I know, Elon was not present.)

The tugboat captain also declared via radio that it was “the prettiest night in the history of the world”. While perhaps not the prettiest ever (in the history of the world), it was most certainly a great night to be standing under the stars, waiting for the first stage of a Falcon9 rocket to come home.

About this image: I started the time lapse at 1:02am and let it run until 1:49am. My settings through most of the lapse were ISO400, f4 with an exposure time of 30 seconds. The whole thing is shot through an EF17-40L lens, set to 17mm.

At this point I should also explain that there was one report on Reddit that the Falcon9 was lit, but we weren’t really sure if that was in fact true. (Everything you read on the interwebs, on Reddit in particular, that’s of course all true, right?) As we waited, Julian tested a flash that was so bright Jeff insisted Julian needed to shout “clear” before firing it. We also lined up our cars so they were facing the water so that if the rocket weren’t lit, we’d all turn on our headlights and hope that we could light the rocket.

So imagine our delight when, behind the buildings to the right of the frame (and east of us, toward the pier), we began to just make out the top of the rocket, creeping closer…and it was lit.

As the “OCISLY” carrying the Falcon9 entered the channel, I adjusted the settings to ISO1000 and an exposure of 6 seconds for the last frames in order to bring out just a bit of detail in the rocket – that’s the staggered white line curving around the entrance to the channel. I included one more frame, taken 2 minutes after I stopped the lapse (at 1:47am), to show the lit Falcon9 separate from the streak it created as it moved into the channel. The purple lights are from the tugboat Elsbeth III, and the green and white lines are from the pilot’s boat leaving the channel and there was at least one more tugboat that exited the channel before the rocket entered the port.

zmaj v jami
Dragon Facts
Image by wallstalking.org
Posted by:Tomo B.
Graffiti translation:Dragon in a cave
Taken on:18.10.2010
Comment:This is a nicely drawn graffiti of a dragon in a cave (assuming it is a Postojna cave). A book was written about a dragon who lived in a Postojna cave. Every local person knows these facts and the dragon is a sort of a simbol to them. Nowdays he lives in a form of a "human" fish who only lives in underground waters in Kras.




* Recommended Read on USA Today’s Happy Ever After blog. * The Fault in Our Stars “Extraordinary Love” Reading List selection * The Best of Me “Southern Love” Reading List selection   Falling in love changes everything…   Three bad things I learned this year:-People you trust lie, even parents. 
-That hot guy, the one who’s totally into you, he might not be the one. 
-Things are not always how they appear.

Three good things I learned this year:
-Best frien


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Nuance Dragon NaturallySpeaking Premium 13.0 Spanish Reviews

Nuance Dragon NaturallySpeaking Premium 13.0 Spanish

Nuance Dragon NaturallySpeaking Premium 13.0 Spanish

  • Dictar, modificar y aplicar formato a las cartas, los artículos, las ponencias, los ensayos, las hojas de cálculo y los informes y mucho más, solo con la voz.
  • Buscar en Internet datos, ilustraciones e imágenes para incluirlos en tareas y documentos.
  • Tomar notas de voz dondequiera que esté dictándolas en una grabadora de voz digital o en un smartphone para transcribirlas más tarde.
  • Agregar en un documento el texto o los gráficos que más utilice con un simple comando de voz.
  • Escribir correos electrónicos a profesores, compañeros de trabajo, amigos y familiares con tan solo dictar, modificar y enviar mensajes mediante la voz.

Saquele mas partido al PC en el trabajo, en el colegio o en el hogar utilizando la voz. Dragon NaturallySpeaking 13 Premium es la opcion ideal si desea una solucion de reconocimiento de voz eficaz para obtener mas de su equipo utilizando la voz en lugar del teclado para mejorar su uso potencial en el trabajo, en el colegio o en el hogar. Le permite dictar documentos de forma natural con hasta un 99 % de precision y controlar el equipo y las aplicaciones mediante sencillos comandos de voz para a

List Price: $ 199.99



Nuance Dragon Naturally Speaking Premium Version 13 Speech Recognition Software with Philips 4GB Expandable Digital Voice Tracer

Nuance Dragon Naturally Speaking Premium Version 13 Speech Recognition Software with Philips 4GB Expandable Digital Voice Tracer

Nuance Dragon Naturally Speaking Premium Version 13 Speech Recognition Software with Philips 4GB Expandable Digital Voice Tracer

*** Dragon Naturally Speaking Premium *** Overview : Be more productive on your PC for work, school, or home by using your voice. Dragon Naturally Speaking 13 Premium is perfect if you want a robust speech recognition solution that enables you to accomplish more on your computer in less time by talking instead of typing so you can realize your potential at work, school or home. It lets you dictate documents naturally with up to 99% accuracy and control your computer and applications using simple

List Price: $ 279.94


Moto Q9h

l Voice to Text Software Images:

Moto Q9h
Voice to Text Software
Image by avlxyz
Company phone it seems… chaining me to my Outlook email. At least I’m allowed to make personal calls! And, maybe even flickr from the phone 🙂

First impressions in the box are good. It looks quite ok despite having a large ugly keyboard. It is definitely a Motorola. It comes with a charging dock with a spare charging slot for a second battery. Is that a hint to it’s short standby time, so typical of WM devices? Still, it reminded me of my first mobile phone, a Motorola MicroTAC I-888 that we got for from Crazy John, who sadly passed away yesterday.

I turn it on to be greeted by Windows Mobile 6, and it’s all downhill from there!

Then I read Gizmodo’s mini Moto Q9m review…
I just got my hands on the first Moto Q9m, and after a couple of hours, I’m ready to send it right back. Seriously, if you buy this phone, you are dumb.
… and I agree. Windows Mobile 6 Smartphone Edition sucks! At least I get a 512MB microSD with it. Full specs below.

Moto Q9h in box
Moto Q9h
Holmesglen Station – taken with Moto Q9h

Moto Q9h specifications:
Motorola Q 9h
Full Specifications
See what’s waiting for you inside your MOTO Q 9h.

All the features you need for mobile freedom and productivity packed into an ultra-thin smartphone.
printer friendly version
Fun Features

* Integrated 2.0 megapixel camera
* Windows Media® Player Mobile
* Video capture with sound and playback
* Dual stereo-quality speakers
* Supports most popular audio and video formats
* Removable microSD™ cards for extendable storage of documents, photos, music and video
* 256MB of built in memory7
* Send photos, video clips, text and sound1
* Browse the web with HSDPA 3.6 Mbps and Opera (HTML)1
* 30 fps Video playback

Call Management Features

* Call contacts or open applications with advanced speech recognition
* Built in hands free speakerphone
* Time and Date Stamp
* Photo-caller ID1
* Virtually unlimited address book (dependent on available memory)

Messaging Features1

* View or Edit (Microsoft Word™, Microsoft PowerPoint and Microsoft® Excel™ files) [feature depends on operator and configuration]*
* View .PDF files*
* Unzip zip archives and email attachments*
* Manage personal information with Outlook Mobile (Inbox, Contacts, Calendar and Tasks)
* Supports multiple email (inboxes): POP3/IMAP4 and Microsoft Exchange
* Multimedia Messaging (MMS)*
* Group SMS*
* IM*

* Network and software dependent features may not be available into markets/carriers.

Lifestyle Features

* Windows Media Player Mobile
* Photo-caller ID
* 2-Mega pixel camera with digital zoom
* Calculator
* Alarm Clock
* Outlook Mobile
* Ambient light sensors to adjust backlight automatically

Performance Features

* Bands: Quad-band GSM/GPRS/EDGE; UMTS 2100
* Standard Battery: 1100 mAh Lithium Ion
* Bluetooth: wireless technology supports Bluetooth Headset/Hands-free and Stereo Profiles8
* Synchronization: ActiveSync® with Microsoft® Exchange Server 2003 with Service Pack2, and Windows Mobile Device Center
* Motorola MicroUSB connector

Data Features

* GPRS/EDGE Class 12
* HSDPA 3.6Mbps
* Memory (FLASH/RAM): 256MB / 96MB7
* Removable Memory: Micro SD up to 4GB

Technical Specifications

* Weight : 132g
* Volume : 85 cc
* Dimensions (H x W x D) : 118×66.7×11.8mm
* Display : 2.4" 320×240 65K TFT
* Colour : Black
* Form Factor : Tablet

NOTE: Certain mobile phone features are dependent on the capabilities and settings of your service provider’s network. Additionally, certain features may not be activated by your service provider, and/or their network settings may limit the feature’s functionality. Always contact your service provider about feature availability and functionality. All features, functionality and other product specifications are based upon the latest available information and are believed to be accurate; however such product specifications are subject to change without notice or obligation.

1 Network dependent feature, not available in all areas. Wireless email functionality requires an email account with wireless server capabilities. Airtime, data charges, and/or additional charges may apply.

2 All talk and standby times are quoted in Digital Mode, and are approximate. Battery performance depends on network configuration, signal strength, operating temperature, features selected, and voice, data and other application usage patterns.

3 The use of wireless phones and/or headphones while engaged in activities requiring concentration may cause distraction or otherwise impair your ability to safely participate in such activities. Always use technology safely.

4 Operates in many major cities and countries where GSM network coverage and roaming agreements are present.

6 Data transmission speed is approximate and depends on the traffic on the network. Actual speeds will vary, and are often less than the maximum possible.

7 Available user memory varies due to the configuration of the phone, which varies by service provider.

8 This device supports Bluetooth profiles. In order for Bluetooth devices to communicate with one another, they must utilize the same Bluetooth profile. To determine the profiles supported by other Motorola devices, visit www.hellomoto.com/bluetooth. For other devices, contact their respective manufacturer.

Certain Bluetooth features including those listed may not be supported by all compatible Bluetooth-enabled devices, and/or the functionality of such features may be limited in certain devices, or by certain wireless carriers. Contact your wireless carrier about feature availability and functionality.

9 The unauthorized copying of copyrighted materials is contrary to the provisions of the Copyright Laws of the United States and other countries. This device is intended solely for copying non-copyrighted materials, materials in which you own the copyright, or materials which you are authorized or legally permitted to copy. If you are uncertain about your right to copy any material, please contact your legal advisor.

Not along for the ride.
Voice to Text Software
Image by honor the gift
It has been an uncharacteristically busy and social week. It seems that numerous lessons have been somewhat internalized.

I think I have been willing to go along for the ride more than has been in my best interest. I am beginning to think that maybe sometimes it is better to get where I want to go by walking my own path. It takes longer sometimes. I get to meet the most amazing and interesting people along the trail. And most importantly I get the art made. Art is a funny thing (for lack of better terminology). I don’t know if I am able to discern the difference between my art and my life any more .. or if I ever could?

Some friends were over this evening. We had iced tea and dessert. The iced tea was a mixture of regular Good Host regular iced tea, brewed decaffeinated green tea, a bit of refined sugar and satsuma and navel orange slices served in tall glasses with colourful animal swizzle sticks. The thing that seems to fascinate my guests are the orange slices! It is so simple.

1. Buy orange.
2. Wash orange.
3. Peel and/or slice orange.
4. Place orange in jug of so-strong-it-could-peel-paint iced tea.
5. Serve over ice with a smile.

It makes my guests feel important! I like that.

So yeah .. I decided to be a bit more choosey as to who is doing my driving. I feel a lot more relaxed, can stand being in my head and I make a lot more art. I’m enjoying the journey more! 🙂 Hopefully I will get to meet and learn from you along the way.

Something cool happened the other day. An opportunity arose that I could have been a righteous ass to someone that hasn’t always been very kind to me but I decided that I would rather be kind. Not in a “I’m kind to you because I am better than you” kind of way but in a “I can see that I have the opportunity to make a life better and prevent or take away pain from someone and that makes me happy” sort of kind. Also, I finally figured out that I could be either “right”eous or I could be happy. I dunno ‘bout you but happy always has the ability to last a heck of a lot longer than being right! 😉

Short gratitude list:

1. I am thankful for the people and lessons I have interacted with this week.
2. I am thankful for making healthy choices this week.
3. I am thankful for choosing to Make Art this week (11 pages yesterday!)
4. I am thankful for being surrounded by beautiful flowers. I adore flowers. I have seen a few different kinds of Scabiosa this week.
5. I am thankful for Steven Pressfield’s book, The War of Art.
6. I am thankful for the gift of friendship.
7. I am thankful for getting better at giving good and great gifts. I am thankful that I am working on and improving at receiving gifts. 🙂
8. I am thankful for being gifted a book called, The Elegance of the Hedgehog this evening! (is gifted used correctly in that case?) I am going to be increasing and refining my vocabulary a lot with this book I am certain! I am really thankful for text to speech software because it helps me read more comprehensively! 🙂
9. I am thankful for being more aware of the yapping that goes on in my head! Namely that if my head is off on a diatribe about how irritated I think I am with someone else’s actions it is a loud and irritating indication that I need to check my own door step first and make some changes. Telling myself to check my own door step first sure shuts the voice in my head up real quick! 🙂 The art gets made. The shipping gets shipped! 🙂
10. I am thankful that I have so much to be thankful for .. like my health! 🙂

Breeze within Breeze
Voice to Text Software
Image by Sagolla
This is what happens when you hit "Preview" while screen-sharing in Breeze. Yes, that’s right, screen-sharing on the Mac, finally!

Also, take control of another screen (Mac or Win), or just videochat/present/whiteboard. And text chat. And run applications. And… whatever. It’s FLASH.

They upgraded my meeting room to Breeze 5.0 this weekend. The office just got a facelift!

Dragon Orb (Dragons of Daegonlot Book 1)

Dragon Orb (Dragons of Daegonlot Book 1)

Dragon Orb (Dragons of Daegonlot Book 1)

Daegonlot: a floating island separated from the mainland of Darkenfel, and home to the last of the dragonriders. They have settled in the city of Goldenspine and allowed the rest of the world to forget them.

At 16 years old, Daxon knew he was too old to be chosen to be a dragonrider. On his way home one night he was surprised when a wild dragon’s egg was left in his care by the largest dragon he had ever seen. Agreeing to raise and protect the as yet unhatched egg, his hopes to b


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Dragon NaturallySpeaking Premium 13 Bluetooth (Wireless), English

Dragon NaturallySpeaking Premium 13 Bluetooth (Wireless), English

Dragon NaturallySpeaking Premium 13 Bluetooth (Wireless), English

  • The fastest and most accurate way to interact with your computer; Dragon dramatically boosts your personal productivity and helps you realize your full potential
  • A personalized, voice-driven experience; Dragon gets even more accurate as it learns the words and phrases you use the most, spelling even difficult words and proper names correctly
  • The included 16 kHz Bluetooth headset and USB dongle enable you interact wirelessly so you’re not tethered to your PC
  • An intuitive design and helpful tutorials make it easy to get started and easy to master
  • The ability to create, format and edit documents by voice allows you to think out loud and break through barriers to creativity

Dragon NaturallySpeaking 13 Premium Wireless is the world’s best-selling speech recognition software that lets you accomplish more on your computer quickly and accurately using your voice – without wires. Dragon Premium Wireless turns spoken words into text and executes voice commands much faster than you can type so you can realize your productivity potential at work, school or home. Dictate and edit documents, send email, search the Web and use social media with unparalleled speed, ease and co

List Price: $ 299.99


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C9 cockpit

Check out these Dragon Medical Images:

C9 cockpit
Dragon Medical
Image by NASA Flight Opportunities
August 30, 2014: Flight 4 (Group B)
Parabolic Flight Week (2 weeks combined), August 15-30, 2014
Platform: C-9B
Location: JSC/Ellington Field
Photographer: NASA/Geeseman

Technologies tested during this August 2014 parabolic flight campaign:

T0029-P Physics of Regolith Impacts in Microgravity Experiment PI: Josh Colwell, University Of Central Florida

T0047-P Boston University Student Proposal for Deployable Solar and Antenna Array Microgravity Testing PI: Theodore Fritz, Boston University

T0096-P Testing the deployment and rollout of the DragEN electrodynamic tether for CubeSats PI: Jason Held, Saber Astronautics Australia Pty. Ltd.

T0105-P DYMAFLEX: DYnamic MAnipulation FLight EXperiment PI: David Akin, University of Maryland

T0129-P Testing of a Microgravity Rock Coring Drill Using Microspines PI: Aaron Parness, Jet Propulsion Laboratory

T0130-P Reinventing the wheel: parabolic flight validation of reaction spheres
PI: Alvin Yew, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, Emory Stagmer (Co-I), Northrop Grumman

T0132-P Effects of Microgravity on Intracranial Pressure PI: Benjamin Levine, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Douglas Hamilton (Co-I), Wyle Laboratories, Inc.

T0133-P Payload Separation Performance of a New 6U CubeSat Canisterized Satellite Dispenser PI: Hans-Peter Dumm, Air Force Research Lab / Space Vehicles

T0134-P Noninvasive Hemodynamic Monitoring in Microgravity, Phase II (Arterial Stiffness) PI: Gregory Kovacs, Stanford University

T0136-P Dragon V2 PMD Microgravity Testing PI: Robin Titus, Space Exploration Technologies

T0138-P Reduced Gravity Flight Demonstration of SPHERES INSPECT PI: Alvar Saenz Otero, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

T0140-P Lunar Plant Habitat PI: Chris McKay, NASA/Ames Research Center

NASA image use policy.
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