
Check out these Dragon Dictate Images:

Dragon Dictate
Image by Scott Woods-Fehr
i bought a mic for my iPod Touch today and tried out the Dragon Dictate app. I remember using Dragon Speak in 1998 on a 333Mhz Pentium. I had to upgrade to 64MB of ram to make it functional and after all the voice training, it wasn’t as accurate or as fast as my iPod Touch.

Seiryuu (draft)
Dragon Dictate
Image by ORAZ Studio
Here is an unfinished draft of a design I’m doing for a new song by my band 1.G.K

It’s not yet finished, but it’s coming along.

The image is inspired by traditional Japanese art and 80s movie posters.

1.G.K is a dance-rock hybrid band, and as such we are unrestrained by the rules that dictate our covers must be po-faced and not feature the band. Our music is bombastic and fun, so our designs are too. Let me know what you think of it.

The light in the centre and the azure dragon’s eye are in the shape of a yin-yang symbol which represent the band’s dual frontmen, myself and Katsu (in the foreground).

The space at 10 o’clock is for the bassist who missed the photoshoot. That gap bothers me more than I can express in mere words.

The azure dragon ("seiryuu") is said to protect the city of Kyoto, especially the eastern, Higashiyama area.

The dragon is based on a statue of the seiryuu I found in a Kyoto temple.

The words emanating from the "chikaradama" in the centre of the image are some of the lyrics to the song.

The dragon is a combination of photo, vector, paint and symbols.

The clouds around the edge are inspired by the cloud framing device used in traditional Japanese art that often depicted towns and court scenes from an aerial/isometric point of view.

The street at the bottom of the image is Karasuma Dori. The street once marked the center of the city of Kyoto and is significant for the band.

The cityscape at the top is Kyoto, our hometown, as shot from Shogun Zuka ("The Shogun’s Lookout").

The dragonball in the seiryuu’s mouth is a 3D vector sphere. Wrapped around it is a photo of a sunset I took in Sydney when I was there shooting a Lumix commercial last year.

The image already contains over a hundred layers and is over 3GB in size, although it’s not finished yet.

very sad keyboard for touch typist
Dragon Dictate
Image by davidfordaus
This is my parents oldest laptop (they have 2 PC’s, 2 laptops). They still use it, however Dad is a touch-typist. The keytops are worn off, however with a little improvisation the laptop is still useable.

It is a funny but servicable machine. I just bought him dragon dictate – in the hope that he’ll be able to use it to dictate stories for the cycling website he runs –

Just plain old sad… 🙂

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